To the Medical Mumma

To the Medical Mumma

I was driving on my way to the hairdresser this week and was overwhelmed by this feeling. You know, that indescribable feeling that is kept deep inside and sometimes swirls to the surface. It’s a heavy kind of feeling, sometimes you contain it and other times you just have to let it out.

Hope Trafficker Book

I released my first book in 2019, so here it is! I’m so excited to share this with the world. I never considered myself a writer, but after I started blogging and God put on my heart to write about my unexpected journey of parenting a child with a disability, one of deep pain, but taught me that that hope can still be found. Hope in us stirs hope in others. My prayer is that after you have read my book, you will be encouraged on your own journey, that you would carry hope and be a HOPE TRAFFICKER.

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To the Medical Mumma

To the Medical Mumma

I was driving on my way to the hairdresser this week and was overwhelmed by this feeling. You know, that indescribable feeling that is kept deep inside and sometimes swirls to the surface. It’s a heavy kind of feeling, sometimes you contain it and other times you just have to let it out.

The Pursuit of Peace

The Pursuit of Peace

The last time I sat down to write, I was pregnant, so.. it’s been… a while.

I’ve had another baby… well, she, Taya, is almost 2 and half and she is a wild, joyful tornado! If you can put all those words together!?

One Moment with God

One Moment with God

When we were in Melbourne last month, I sat and wrote a blog about being pregnant and having a baby. I chose not to post it because, to be honest, it was pretty negative. I came to the point where I realised after writing the blog that, fear is so ugly, but focus is powerful.

Piper Starts School

Piper Starts School

I can’t believe we completed the first term of Kindy. The lead up to Piper starting school was really tough for me. I remember every time I thought about the possibility of Piper going to school, the fear took over my body and I felt physically sick. The thought of...

I Wrote a Book

I Wrote a Book

It’s still a foreign thought to me, that I actually wrote a book. I only told two people because I didn’t want to declare something, and like everything in my life, never stick at it for a long time.



I was reluctant to write this, but here I am being vulnerable, hoping it can encourage someone. It’s R U OKAY day and this is my story with mental illness.

Be Still

Be Still

When was the last time you actually sat in stillness? When you just sat in quiet, in God’s presence.

Who do you say you are?

Who do you say you are?

Lately, I have been having a bit of an identity crisis. I have been allowing how people see me, or think of me, or how I think they think of me, to define me. When you hear someone say something about you, do you think that is you? Like that is who you are?

Listen Up

Listen Up

While I don’t fully know what Piper hears without the hearing aid on, it has been described to us like being at a loud concert wearing head phones.

“So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord!”

– Psalms 31:24

Staying in love is better then falling in love. 🩷

Relax. Rest. Eat. Sleep. Read. Repeat.  Feel so lucky to have this time away together and we still have one more night. 😍 Thankful for my hubby.
My love. I so appreciate who you are. Being a Pastor of a Church is hard, there are so many things unseen, but I get to see it all. You are selfless, you are strong and courageous. You keep going despite adversity and you Honour God in all you do and this translates in every area of your life. Your an incredible dad, and Being a dad of a child with a disability is just as tough and it carries it’s own struggles that aren’t talked about enough, you navigate grieving your dad’s alzheimers with bravery and all the other stuff that’s unseen. I love being your wife and I love watching you let God keep shaping you into the man and leader that you are. I love your humility and most of all I just love you! I’m proud of you and I honour you. I love working along side you and being on your team, always cheering you on. The best is yet to come! 💖
To the Medical Mumma…

Wrote a new blog today after my hard week. Just a reminder I see you and you aren’t alone on this difficult journey! 

Link in my bio ✨
“…And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Hebrews‬ ‭12‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ 

My mum sent me this video today during Piper’s OT session (mum guilt because I was working). Look at her perseverance as she’s about to give up right at the start. But she kept going. And she put the sock on her foot all by herself. 😭😍 Piper’s life always pointing me to the faithfulness of Jesus, and reminding me we are all running our own race that is unique for each of us. So keep persevering and keep your eyes on Jesus! You got this 💪🏼 💖
That’s a wrap @eastlake_church on 2022. 

I feel so lucky to lead along side @jedwoods and be a part of this amazing community of people! 

I am so thankful for the 100’s of people who have served at our love events throughout the year, given their time, resources, given financially and prayed. Loving our community in the ways we have and spreading the love that Jesus has for all of us outside these four walls has been a privilege and the stories have been incredible. 😭

Thank you to my amazing husband @jedwoods. I love you! Your vision and heart for @eastlake_church is inspiring and I am so proud of you. I honour you, your sacrifice, your dedication and for just being you. I love doing this journey together. 

Thanks to our amazing staff and volunteers who made today so incredible. We appreciate you all! 

And to my two beautiful patient girls along for the ride! 💗 

Bring on 2023! It’s going to be even better! 

Thanks for being on this journey with us. We love you all. Thank you Jesus. 👏🏼💖
✨ THREE ✨ 

Happy birthday to our beautiful Taya. You are wild, silly and full of energy yet sweet, caring, and thoughtful. You give the best cuddles and bring us so much joy! We love you! 🎂
Gratitude produces Joy ✨
The sweetest little voice! ✨ We never new if Piper would talk. She was non verbal at 4, She’s had multiple throat and airway surgeries and procedures, yet here is speaking the word of God! I know our journey often doesn’t look how I would like it to, but sometimes I have to remind myself it’s more then I could ask or imagine! God is faithful! 💖
My love. 😍
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Leigh Edwards

Married at 19, I became a mum at 22 to our beautiful daughter Piper, diagnosed with 22q (22q11.2 deletion syndrome – 22q),  I was taken on an unexpected journey.

Born in England I moved to Mandurah, Western Australia when I was 12. I don’t consider myself a writer, but after I started blogging about my journey of deep pain I discovered  hope can be found, and hope in us stirs hope in others.

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